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Illume Hand Sanitizer 30ml

Make a clean break from synthetic wipes, gels and sprays, and keep your hands and haven safe from tiny, ill-tempered instigators with Illume Hand Sanitizer.


Wipe the slate clean with a single spritz! Spray on hands, grocery cart handles, light switches, airplane trays, toilets, faucets, children’s toys, and any place where tiny, unfriendly creatures are likely to linger.


The CDC states that alcohol-based hand sanitizers must contain at least 60% alcohol by volume to be effective. Our distilled (non-synthetic) 190-proof biodynamic, organic alcohol is 90% alcohol and 10% water by volume. Our Illume Hand Sanitizer contains 90% alcohol and 10% botanical-biotic essential oils.  


Thyme – A favourite of herbalists, Thyme’s fragrant botanicalbiotics perfume and purify.

Ravensara – An illuminating essence that refreshes clarity and purity.

Rosemary – Rosemary is for remembrance; this oil will help you remember to breathe.

Eucalyptus – This essence unplugs pathways and inspires humans to breathe deeply.

Oregano – A classic botanicalbiotic that eliminates airborne aversions and stimulates clarity.

Organic Biodynamic Alcohol – Organic Biodynamic Alcohol serves as the perfect carrier, allowing each botanical to effortlessly infuse hands while leaving skin and surfaces perfectly clean. This organic, biodynamic alcohol is of the utmost quality and is triple-filtered for purity. Produced from certified organic grapes, it is independently tested to ensure it meets the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) standards for pure, organic, pharmaceutical-grade alcohol.

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